On Radio Regina stred, we talked about the importance of the work of specialized counseling centers and assistance to victims of domestic and gender-based violence. Anna Surovcová (director Centrum sociálnych služieb KA) and Ľubica Simanová (psychologist, Centrum sociálnych služieb KA) spoke with moderator Marta Výbošteková on the occasion International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. According to the survey, it was in 2020 around 47,000 women killed worldwide by their partner (husband, boyfriend) or others family members. We have enough of these cases in Slovakia, where we have been since the beginning in 2023, at least 6 murders were recorded, when the victim was a woman and the perpetrator was either an acquaintance, or an unknown man. In the Municipal Politics Club show, we talked about how violence to identify where abused women should be directed and which organizations (also in the establishment
jurisdiction of municipalities, but also from the third sector) provide them with assistance.

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